We have 75 eBooks available for checkout from our school library. Most are brand new titles!! Most are AR books! I think I already sent how to check them out, but here's a recap...
  1. Find the Destiny icon on the school webpage.
  2. Log in is the long student ID number.
  3. Password is their DOB (no preceeding zeroes, slashes, 4 digit year).
  4. Click on Catalog at the top of the page.
  5. Click on Destiny Quest on the left.
  6. Click on Follett Shelf at the top.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find available eBooks,
  8. Open the desired book title and click Check out.
  9. When you are finished, click Return!
They can access these eBooks until we come back in the fall! I'm so excited! Keep reading, students!