MCHS has an honors track for those who plan to attend college and a regular track for those who plan to seek employment or join the military after high school. Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are available for students in both tracks in the areas of Health Care, Agriculture, Business Technology/Web Design, Criminal Justice, Biotechnology, and Early Childhood Education. The school has an active band and art programs.
SAT and ACT Testing
SAT and ACT study guides are available in the media center. Students may also practice online on or at Please contact Mrs. Peggy Primm at 973-5750 in the Career Center for more information. Upcoming Testing dates are on the Guidance Calendar.
Academic Dual Enrollment
Demonstrate readiness for college level work by attaining a pre-set score on the Florida College Entry-Level Placement Test, the ACT or SAT
Have a 3.0 cumulative GPA
Not enroll in more than 11 hours of college courses per term
Not have withdrawn from college course more than 10 days after the classes start
Maintain a C or above to be eligible for the next term
Provide their own transportation
Select courses eligible for high school credit approved by the State Articulation Committee
Tenth grade students are allowed to participate dual enrollment for courses provided on MCHS campus
Promotion and Retention
Grade placement and promotions in grades 9-12 are based on the accumulation of credits and minimum grade point average. Placement in grade 9 is dependent upon successful completion of grade 8.
9th Grade Student - One who has been promoted or assigned from eighth grade
10th Grade Student - One that has earned 6 high school credits and has a 1.0 cumulative grade point average
11th Grade Student - One who has earned 12 high school credits and a 1.5 cumulative grade point average
12th Grade Student - One who has earned 18 high school credits and a 2.0 cumulative grade point average