Omg! We just cleaned up! Krell said it was the best we have ever done with the most SR awards belonging to Madison County High School! I won the high scoring teacher award due to the success of my kids!
I have to get off this Tuesday for the state meeting since we have 4 kids qualified for state!! (3 qualifiers going and 1 as alternate! Halie wetherington, jasmine bryan, Jessie Roberts, and alternate is Caroline Jennings)

Big winner of the day was Halie Wetherington. Halie won 1st in her microbiology division, national Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration “taking the pulse of the planet” Prize, Stockholm Junior Water Prize, and a TRIP to the Genius Science Olympiad in Oswego, NY this summer to represent the area! She is obviously headed to State in March too!

Jessie Roberts got 2nd in a HUGE division and won US Air Force SR division Prize Package and is going to state

Jasmine Bryan won a very competitive chemistry division and is headed to state

Caroline Jennings is alternate to state for our area too! She finished 3rd in Microbiology.

Benton Ebberson won 3rd in Behavioral science

Grace Galbraith won 3rd in Chemistry

RJ Williams won 3rd in Physics

I am so proud of our babies! Now the hustle starts all over for state competition. I’ll need to be out Tuesday for sure next week and I’ll let you know after the big state meeting what plans are from there!

Mrs Amanda Phillips
Chemistry, Physics, and Biotechnology
Madison County High School