Good morning! I wanted to update you for some announcements that could be sent out in regards to MCHS Cowgirls Volleyball:
1. FREE Sports Physicals will be held on Tuesday the 17th at 5pm. MCHS gym. Specific location to be announced.
2. Volleyball conditioning will begin July 23rd-27th. Any girls interested in participating are strongly encouraged to come and condition in preparation for tryouts!
3. A co-ed "Toes In The Sand" Volleyball Tournament will be hosted at the Madison County Park & Recreation of Madison County on Saturday, July 28th. Start time is TBA. You can find more information if interest in participating on the MCHS Cowgirls Facebook Page or by contacting the coach directly at 8502535242.
4. Tryouts will be held on Monday, July 30th and Tuesday July 31st. EL2 & EL3 must be completed and in coaches hands in order to tryout. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FREE PHYSICAL OPPORTUNITY!!