MCHS Senior 2019 Newsletter
Seniors: May 24 (Graduation Day) is quickly approaching. Please make sure that you are putting forth maximum effort in all your classes, and also make sure that you have all of your credits (and test scores) needed for graduation. Here are some upcoming events/responsibilities:
HERFF-JONES: If you have not yet ordered your cap and gown, you need to do so IMMEDIATELY. Order online at or call 1-850-792-5110.
SAT EXAMS: May 4 and June 1: SAT exams administered in other counties. See Mrs. Primm to register.
ACT EXAM: April 13 and June 8, 2019, given at MCHS. See Mrs. Primm.
COLLEGE/MILITARY SIGNING DAY: April 12, 2019 in MCHS GYM; 2:00-3:20
SENIOR EXAMS: May 13-16 (Monday-Thursday), 2019.
SENIOR PARADE AND PICNIC: Friday, May 17, 2019; Meet in cafeteria at 8:30 a.m. Meet in media center after picnic to pay fees. THIS IS THE DEADLINE FOR FEE PAYMENT.
BACCALAUREATE: Tuesday, May 21, 7:00, MCHS GYM
SENIOR AWARDS: Wednesday, May 22, 7:00, MCHS GYM
Pay all late fines immediately. REMEMBER: NO PAYMENT, NO DIPLOMA! See Ms. Janie Barnes to pay your fines on May 3 and May 10. Deadline is May 17, 2019. NO FEES WILL BE COLLECTED ON GRADUATION NIGHT.
Graduation Attire: Boys should wear dress pants, collared shirt, tie, dress shoes. Girls should wear a dress or nice pants. Flat shoes would be most appropriate. Jeans and athletic shoes are not appropriate. DO NOT DECORATE CAPS FOR SENIOR WALK, BACCALAUREATE, SENIOR AWARDS, OR GRADUATION.
Friday, May 24: Graduation: Meet at 5:00 in the cafeteria. The graduation ceremony will begin promptly at 7:00. Dress appropriately. Ladies, please don’t wear heels that are too high. Wear your caps, tassels, gowns, and senior regalia. Remember, your caps are NOT to be decorated. Your tassels should be placed on the RIGHT side until you are proclaimed graduates; then you will switch them to the LEFT side. Write names in caps.
Immediately after graduation, pick up your diploma in the media center.
PROJECT GRADUATION: Friday, May 24, 9:30 p.m. until Saturday, May 25, 7:00 a.m.
See back page for details about Project Graduation.
Destination Project Graduation Agenda
9:00 p.m. Dinner will be served in the cafeteria. This meal is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Madison. All participants MUST report to the cafeteria by 9:00. You may change your clothes at this time. Deposit any personal items and/or clothing in the bookstore area. This will be collected upon your return on Saturday morning. Label all of your bags for proper identification.
9:45-10:00Board Annett Motor Coaches for departure to Jacksonville.
12:00 – 4:00 Lock in at the Main Event, Jacksonville, Florida
4:00 a.m.Depart Jacksonville for Madison/MCHS
6:00 a.m.Breakfast will be served by the Junior Auxiliary of Madison. Drawings will be held for prizes and cash!! Call home for pick-ups.
7:00 a.m.End of Project Graduation!
We will miss you, MCHS Class of 2019! Good Luck!